
The Power of Intention

We always get what we REALLY want. Behind all of our words and our actions is our TRUE INTENTION. Has someone ever said something to you and you could feel something didn’t add up with what they were saying or it just didn’t feel right? Often when you get this feeling you are right to …

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What are your values?

What are your Values? Let’s get clear on what I mean by “Values” first. I’m not referring to Characteristics, such as honesty, integrity or compassion. The values I’m referring to are that of the our world, things that are important to us. For example – Family, Social, Finances, Business, spirituality, mental, physical and how they …

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Getting Clarity

How many times has someone said something to you and you have responded back immediately with an answer or a view point only to find that you are on a completely different subject or idea than what the original person was talking about? Let me give you an example, just the other day I was …

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Are you coachable?

The Importance of being Coachable I still remember so vividly, just like it was yesterday the first day I attempted to drive Mums bright yellow mini with the black racing stripe. No automatic transmission with this little beast of a car!  A whole 990cc of power under the bonnet…. It’s safe to say she wasn’t …

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